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Thanks for a great discussion about the future of our campus!

06/10/2022 12:39:53 PM


[Photo: Architect Maryann Thompson and director at large, building committee member and former co-president Max Page facilitate a group discussion]

A big thanks to everyone who came out for the recent community discussion! Following the Abundance Farm Spring Work Day, we met with architect Maryann Thompson to learn more about updated conceptual designs for the entire CBI campus, including our new building. Obviously, much has happened since the first round of designs were shared in 2018... Let's just say we're planning on more well-ventilated and outdoor spaces! 

However, the main goal remains the same: to create an integrated, redesigned campus composed of the main building, Abundance Farm, the new "Mayim Building," and of course taking into account CBI programs such as our preschool, Gan Keshet, and ALMA, our religious school. Other changes are still being discussed, but may include new features such as additional celebration space, an east-facing bima, larger classrooms, and a "schmoozatorium" entry area. 

There was a presentation of the updated design images, feedback and discussion, a Q&A, a tour of the new building, and of course snacks - a similar, follow-up event took place via Zoom. Stay tuned for more updates and please enjoy some photos from the event! 

[Max and updated campus design images]

[Community members checking out the new images]

[Giving feedback via sticky notes]

[A tour of the new building with architect and Ad Hoc Building Committee member David Whitehill]

[Donated vintage light fixtures!]

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785