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RE: Rabbinic Transition at CBI

04/26/2023 08:11:53 PM


Rabbinic Transition Committee

Dear Friends, 

In February, we shared that Rabbi Justin David will be moving on from CBI and starting a new journey as the Dean of the Rabbinical School at Hebrew College. At that time, we also shared that the CBI leadership team is here and working to support the community throughout the upcoming time of transition after Justin departs on June 30. In the meantime, Rabbi David shortened his sabbatical and has since returned to CBI to wrap up his tenure with care. 

Since February, we on the staff and board have established a transition committee, led by Joel Feldman and Ellen Gertzog. Joel and Ellen have already been working incredibly hard to lay out a plan for our community going forward. They enlisted community members Naomi Barnesky, Caryn Brause, Larry Hott, and Leah King Kaufman, and together, the six of them are working with our leadership to plan for the next steps, both short-term and long-term. 

The transition committee’s work includes creating ways for community input and keeping the community informed each step of the way, and you’ll hear much more from them in the weeks and months to come. 

We continue to be here to talk if you need anything at all. 

Emily Kieval, Executive Director

Rabbi Jacob Fine, Senior Director of Jewish Life and Abundance Farm

Rabbi Ariella Rosen, Director of Youth and Family Engagement and Education

Meredith Lewis and Stan Schapiro, Co-Presidents

Joel Feldman and Ellen Gertzog, Co-Chairs, Rabbinic Transition Committee

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785