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Board Information

Co-Presidents (2024-2025): Barbara Black and Pamela Schwartz

Board information, including minutes and  financial information, is located in Organizational Information.

Board Member Bios

Barbara Black, Co-President


I have been a member of CBI for more than 30 years – first joining so my daughter could go to religious school (as Alma was called then). Over time, her interest pushed me into becoming an active CBI member  and, much to my surprise, a regular Shabbat services attender. My daughter had her Bat Mitzvah in 1998 and I was part of an adult Bat Mitzvah group in 2005. I depend on CBI for community and am excited and amazed by its  growth –in diversity, membership and activities. I am on the Preschool Education Committee and have been part of the Inclusion Task Force. In my non-CBI life, I am a retired Early Childhood educator and an avid Connecticut  River rower. Being on the Board and serving as co-president has been  a learning experience and, though I may question my sanity at times, I am honored to be a part of CBI leadership with so many amazing people!

Pamela Schwartz, Co-President

CBI has been a pillar of my life since I moved to Northampton with my husband Joel Feldman (also on the board!) 30 years ago.   I was not raised with any Jewish learning or practice so I "became Jewish" through my experience at CBI. And I love what it means to be Jewish! This community raised our 3 children, all bar and bat mitzvahed here, and then I joined the tribe, literally and figuratively, with a bat mitzvah of my own in 2021.  My gratitude for all of it is unending.  I became co-chair of the Tikkun Olam Committee more years ago than I can count and have greatly enjoyed providing support for CBI's extraordinary commitment to social justice. My work has always been focused on justice - at the start as a legal aid lawyer and for the last 15 years as director of the Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness - and connecting to the Jewish tradition in its call for healing the world is a constant source of inspiration to me.  I am also Co-chair of the CBI Capital Campaign, which offers a thrilling window into the future of our campus (can't wait to make it happen together!).   I am honored to serve CBI at this exciting and complex time, and look forward to supporting an ever stronger and connected community.   

John Todd, Secretary

I am a retired attorney residing in Northampton. My wife, Dorothy Nemetz, and I have been members  of CBI since 1990 and our three children went through Hebrew School and had their bat and bar mitzvahs here.  Over the years, I have served on a variety of committees and special initiatives, and served as co-president 2017-2019. Dorothy is a former CBI president and served on the Board for 21 years. I look forward to joining with our rabbis, Executive Director and the Board in their ongoing  work to make this synagogue a central part of the Jewish community in this area, just as it has been central to our family's Jewish community and Jewish identity for the past three-plus decades. 

Dick Conner, Treasurer

CBI has been central to my family’s life for over 25 years. My wife, Beth Goldstein, and I were married by Rabbi Graubart in 1999. Our children, Berni and Jesse, attended Gan Keshet preschool and CBI hebrew school (later ALMA), and celebrated bar mitzvahs here. Beth and I have both volunteered for CBI in various ways over the years, serving on multiple committees and in leadership roles. Most recently, I served for several years on the Education Committee, then for 5 years as chair of the Financial Oversight Committee, and since August 2024 as Treasurer. When not devoting my time to CBI, I operate a small agricultural business called Red Barn Honey Company, enjoy hiking and other outdoor activities, and spending time with my family. Like most of us, I am a member of multiple communities. But the CBI community is the only one that feels like a family and a second home to me. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to actively contribute to CBI and our future.

Mariel Barnesky


I have been a member of CBI for about a year and a half, since my partner Naomi and I moved to Northampton from Brooklyn, NY. I am a regular Torah reader; a member of the Development Committee; a participant in the Jews Read Palestinian Stories Havurah; and an alum of two of Rabbi Becca Walker's classes on prayer. I love the community at CBI and especially cherish the intergenerational friendships I've made at shul. In my professional life, I work as a registered nurse at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and I am active in the Massachusetts Nurses Association. I live in Village Hill Cohousing, where I spend time building community with my neighbors, and even more time in meetings. When I'm not in meetings, I enjoy walking in the dog park with my dog, Alvin; biking around the Valley; and sampling local ice creams.

David Berkman

My family has been at CBI for almost 30 years, soon after we moved to the Valley. My children  have been students at Gan Keshet, the CBI religious school, and Lander-Grinspoon Academy. I have been on the  CBI Board since 2012, and have served on the Personnel Committee and Compensation Committee. I was a member of the Board of Directors  at Lander-Grinspoon Academy for many of its early years, and served as Board President there. My wife Iris was born and raised in Israel.  Iris serves on the Gan Keshet committee and is a frequent substitute there, and often leads Israeli dancing at CBI events. I am a Gastroenterologist  in practice in Northampton and Cooley Dickinson Hospital.

Alan Black


I have been a member of CBI on and off for the past thirty years. I served on the board of directors for approximately 7 years including two years as vice president and three years as co-president.  During the three years in which I served as co-president, we were able to obtain congregational and board approval to lease the land behind CBI for the purpose of building what was to become the Lander-Grinspoon Academy which my son attended. During my second term, CBI was without a Rabbi and, similar to the present day, organized members of the community to take responsibility for the duties that would normally fall to the Rabbi. During this time as co-president, CBI  purchased the land next to CBI, which is now the Abundance Farm and did quite a bit of work on the then existing dues structure in order to be competitive in our search for a new Rabbi. Ultimately we hired Rabbi David as our new Rabbi. I stayed on for a third term with a new co-president in order to provide a bridge for our new hire. Both my children attended the CBI religious school and my daughter was Bat Mitzvahed at CBI.   Presently, I am a joint member of both CBI and JCA. I am a retired criminal defense attorney, where I worked to preserve the rights of criminal defendants as they navigate the difficult maze, which is our criminal justice system.

David Cohen


My wife, Doris, and I have been members of CBI since 1972. Our two daughters went to the CBI  religious school and were bat mitzvahed here. Over the years Doris and I have served as co-presidents and on  many committees. I’ve served as chair of the Financial Oversight Committee (formerly “Budget, Dues and  Assessment”) and I’m former chair and currently a member of the Endowment Management Committee.  Occasionally my role on the board is to serve as “institutional memory.” Doris and I are grateful for the role CBI  plays in our lives and happily support and engage in any way we can so that it can play an important role in the  lives of others. 

Elizabeth Dubinsky


Elizabeth lives in Northampton with her spouse and three kids and is a palliative care social worker during the week. She has taught the pre-school age class of Alma for the past 3 years. Elizabeth worked at the Teva Learning Center doing Jewish environmental/experiential education for many years. In her free time, Elizabeth enjoys making things with wool, running, spending time with family, and de-cluttering.

Joel Feldman


I have been a member of CBI for almost thirty years, and during that time, CBI has been a second  home for me, my wife Pamela, and our three children. We are regular Shabbat service attendees, and we have been  Gan Keshet parents and CBI religious school parents. I have served on the Board for twelve years (including as a co-President in 2020-2022), I have chaired or  participated in many committees, led the Shabbat Sing program at CBI on Shabbat for more than eleven years and helped to revive the CBI Shabbaton weekend.  During my non-Shabbat hours, I work as a civil rights/tenant attorney in Springfield, representing low income clients. I care very deeply about CBI and its future, and I am so excited to be part of this special moment in the history of our synagogue. 

Isaac Fleisher


I live in Northampton with my partner Naomi and my two wonderful daughters, and I am a proud product of the CBI community.  I was a member of Gan Keshet’s inaugural class, and I received my Jewish education in ALMA (which was just called “Hebrew School” back then).  I majored in Religious Studies in college and then I dabbled in the gateway drug of eco-Judaism as an educator at the Teva Learning Center in my twenties.  After spending the traditional decade on the Upper West Side of Manhattan I moved back to the Pioneer Valley where I have been excited to see all the ways that CBI has changed and all the ways that it has remained the same.  I am grateful that three generations of my family have all found a home in CBI.  My hobbies are gardening, the history of the second temple period and late antiquity, reading comic books and organizing comic books.  I also have a thriving law practice on the side.

Eva Gerstle


I have been part of the CBI community since I attended LGA for fifth and sixth grade starting in 2010. I was a regular services attendee throughout high school at Northampton High, left for several years and returned to the Valley in Spring of 2021. Since then, you can find me most weeks at Friday and Saturday services, farm events and membership committee meetings. I am currently a student at UMass Amherst, studying Natural Resource Conservation and Statistics. I am passionate about wetlands, hiking, biking, letter-writing, and Jewish life. I also work as a nanny for a family in Amherst and love hosting big Friday night meals. 

Ozzy Gold-Shapiro

Ozzy is very honored to be joining the Board. They have been a part of the CBI community since 2001, when they began attending religious school. Since 2019, they have been teaching at ALMA, and have been involved at shul in various capacities including (but not limited to!) catering kiddush, leading children's services, playing klezmer music, creating large scale puppetry performances, and organizing with the Reparations Working Group. 

This past summer, they worked as a professional Ashkenazi Jewish wedding jester (badkhn), led a teen Dada-ist cabaret in Canada, co-organized a klezmer festival with over 300 attendees, became an uncle, sang in Ladino in a Jewish eggplant pageant, danced professionally in Minneapolis, led a parade at the Clark Museum, and even had their first appearance as an extra in the film Janet Planet!

Leah King Kaufman

I have been a part of the CBI community with my husband Craig and our family since 2019. Our young daughters are enthusiastic participants in ALMA and Shabbat Shabloom, and we enjoy growing our Shared Abundance Garden in our yard in South Hadley each year. Most recently I have been a member of the Personnel Committee and the Rabbinic Search Committee. I am a Jewish communal professional by trade, currently working at the Union for Reform Judaism, with a MA in Religious Education from Hebrew Union College. I am a big champion of Jewish education and immersive experiences like camp, having worked for many summers at several Jewish camps in the Northeast. I look forward to contributing to CBI in any way I can.

Gillian Murray Kendall


I moved to Northampton in 1986 with my husband, Robert Dorit, and we became members of  Congregation B’nai Israel shortly thereafter. Both of our sons, Sasha and Gabriel, had their bar mitzvahs at CBI, and  I have served on the Board for many years—and was a co-president for a two-year stint (beginning 2014). I loved  co-editing the Weekly and the Kehila and am happy to see them morph into ever more reader-friendly publications.  I am an English professor at Smith College, where I specialize in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama outside of  Shakespeare. I have published a book of essays on Shakespearean Power and Punishment (Fairleigh Dickinson  University Press, 1998), and, more recently, published two novels, The Garden of Darkness (Ravenstone Press,  2014) and The Book of Forbidden Wisdom (HarperCollins, 2016). By serving on the Board, I hope to be of service  to Congregation B’nai Israel and to give back to an institution that has given my family so much. 

Meredith Lewis


I  came to Northampton and the CBI community seven years ago for a job and found a wonderful community that I couldn’t have imagined. I now work at the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts and doing some consulting based on my previous work in leading Jewish nonprofits.  I have an MPA and an MA in Hebrew and Judaic Studies from New York University, and a BS in Journalism from Align Left Northwestern University. I’m now on faculty at Brandeis University and love learning. Our family, (husband Ben, and children, Ari and Micah) are frequent visitors to the Prospect Street campus attending LGA, helping out on Abundance Farm, supporting the Survival Center, celebrating Jewish life at CBI, and looking for new sticks in the woods. I am excited to support the next chapter of growth in our vibrant Jewish communities

Max Page


I have been a member of CBI since 1999, when I returned to the Valley with my wife (Eve Weinbaum) after having grown up in Amherst, and served as co-president 2016-18. We attend Shabbat services regularly and our three children - Jonah, Aviva, and  Ruthie -- have been a part of the CBI religious school most of their lives. I am a Professor of Architecture at UMass Amherst, where I teach the histories of cities, and the theory and practice of historic preservation.  I am currently on leave from UMass to serve as the Vice President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, the 115,000 member union of public school and college educators.   My work advocating for a more just society is inextricably bound up  with my dedication to Judaism. I look forward to helping to support CBI as a thriving Jewish home for all of us, dedicated to Jewish prayer and study, and the work of Tikkun Olam.

Dan Price


My wife, Bonnie Diamond, and I have been members of CBI for seven years. We are currently co-chairs of the Membership/Welcoming Committee and co-founded the Shabbat dinner Havurah. We are regulars at Shiru Shabbat and other synagogue events.  I am originally from Cleveland Ohio, still hoping the Guardians win the World Series in my lifetime, and have lived in Easthampton for the last 17 years. I am a professor in the Criminal Justice Department at Westfield State University. I hope to help CBI continue to be a warm and welcoming place for all as the congregation continues its rapid growth.

Alex Roseman


Since moving to the area to start my medical residency at Baystate Medical Center in 2017, my family and I have become deeply involved with Congregation B'nai Israel and have been formal members since 2022. Our connection to CBI began with a captivating Shabbat Shabloom at Abundance Farms during the pandemic and has grown ever since and has quickly become our first adult Jewish home. CBI has become a source of comfort and community, especially after the October 7th attacks. Our commitment to CBI has only increased with our son attending Gan Keshet and ALMA, and our one-year-old daughter is now attending Shabbat Shabloom. 

As a physician triple board-certified in adult, pediatric, and obesity medicine and an assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Chan School of Medicine, my professional career is dedicated to improving patient care and medical education. I also have experience working in non-profit organizations during my community service with AmeriCorps and community organizing while working on the 2012 Obama presidential campaign. Outside of work, I play jazz guitar and recently discovered weightlifting. I am excited to continue contributing to CBI as a board of directors member with my professional experience in quality improvement, community organizing, and non-profit organizations. I aim to maintain the welcoming and nurturing environment I have cherished to continue the mission of CBI to strengthen Jewish life while bolstering our family's ties to this vibrant congregation.

Lewis Rosenthal


My wife Irene and I moved to Northampton from Albany, NY in  November 2017. Prior to our move, we had worshiped at CBI and spent many mornings at Shabbat Shabloom with our granddaughter. We knew that CBI was the perfect “shul” for us. Since joining, I have served on the Board and as CBI’s Treasurer for five years.  I am currently serving as the co-chair of the Ritual Committee. I was an attorney admitted to practice in New York where I worked as a higher education attorney with a specialty in labor law matters.  I retired from the practice of law in 2023.

Joshua Roth


I’ve lived in Northampton since 2010 with my wife Beth Notar and our two boys Isaac and Emile. We celebrated their b’nai mitzvah at CBI in 2017 after they went through the ALMA school program. I never really imagined I’d be so involved with Jewish life but find myself drawn to the culture of learning at CBI, and the warmth of so many people here. I have been on the Adult Ed committee since 2014.

Jim Sagalyn


I have been a CBI member for more than 30 years, and my three children have been educated and  celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah’s at CBI. I met my wife Jane Herzenberg in the halls of CBI. I joined the Board of  Directors as Chair of House and Properties about 1997 and served as Treasurer from 2001 to 2019. In addition to my past duties as Treasurer, I continue to serve on the Financial Oversight Committee and Endowment Committee. I am retired, having been President  of Holyoke Machine Company, a manufacturer of paper and textile machinery in Holyoke, MA that was established in 1863. I also retired from serving many years  as Treasurer of the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts, a non-profit organization  devoted to a greater understanding of world events and other cultures. 

Stan Schapiro

My family and I have been CBI members since 1992. My two daughters attended the religious  school and were bat mitzvahed here. I have been a member and chair of the Dues and Assessments Committee and  am currently chair of the Personnel Committee. I also have been active on the Tikkun Olam Committee. CBI has  become an important home for me and for so many in our community. I am pleased to see so many incredibly  exciting new programs at CBI and the ever growing identification of our community with social justice movements  in our community. I am a mostly retired Social Worker who worked in programs to help people and families  struggling with mental illness and addiction for the last 35 years. I look forward to this opportunity to help our  community continue to thrive and grow. 

Matt Wool


My family has been members of CBI since 2017, when we moved to Northampton from  Providence, RI. My two sons have been in ALMA since then and have flourished in the program, with one becoming bar mitzvah this past October. I currently serve  on the education committee, and oversaw the ALMA kiddush programs prior to COVID. I am  excited to contribute more to the CBI community as it is the first synagogue I have belonged to that has felt like  "home" to me. In my professional life, I am CEO of Acceleration Partners, an online marketing agency focusing  on the affiliate marketing space operating globally across the U.S., U.K., Europe, Singapore, and  Australia.

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785