Congregation B'nai Israel
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
10:30am CBI Cafe: Abraham v. Joshua: The Torah of the stranger v. the Torah of genocide with David Seidenberg
| | | 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Avodat Lev at Temple Israel in Greenfield 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| - 8:15am Morning Group Meditation (Zoom)
- 3:30pm ALMA classes
| Rosh Chodesh Adar 8:00am Rosh Chodesh Service 12:00pm Weekly Parsha Class 5:00pm Shiru Shabbat- 5:21pm Candle Lighting
| Rosh Chodesh Adar Parshat Shekalim Terumah 9:30am Shabbat morning services 10:00am ALMA Classes 10:20am Shabbat Shabloom- 6:22pm Havdalah
10:30am CBI Cafe: From Generation to Generation/I Carry My Mother, I Wish My Father
| | 6:30pm Chanting Torah, Level 2 7:00pm Purim Class: Making Sense of Chapter Nine with Rabbi Ariella
| 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| 8:15am Morning Meditation Group- 3:30pm ALMA classes
7:00pm Song Circle with Eliana Light
| 12:00pm Weekly Parsha Class 5:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat- 5:29pm Candle Lighting
| Parshat Zachor Tetzaveh 9:30am Shabbat morning services 10:00am ALMA Classes 10:20am Shabbat Shabloom- 6:31pm Havdalah
10:30am CBI Cafe: A Modern Jewish Odyssey from Egypt with Marlene Lesley
| | 6:30pm Chanting Torah, Level 2
| 5:00pm Hamantaschen Bake [Adults & Teens] 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Purim Class: The Surprising Connections between Purim and Yom Kippur with Rabbi Jacob 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| Taanit Esther Erev Purim - 8:15am Morning Group Meditation (Zoom)
- 3:30pm ALMA classes
4:30pm Wicked: A Musical Purim Production 5:00pm Purim Dinner For Families 5:30pm Teen Costume Making from Found Objects 5:45pm Purim Puppet Show and Costume Parade 6:45pm Full Megillah Reading & A Wicked Purim Spiel...Adult & Teen Version 7:00pm Teen Megillah Reading Hangout Space 8:00pm Teen Purim Mocktail Party & Games 8:30pm CBI Purim After Party [21+ Only]
| Purim 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat in Mayim Hall- 6:38pm Candle Lighting
| Shushan Purim Ki Tisa 9:30am Shabbat morning services- 9:30am Kiddush sponsored by Judi Wisch
10:00am ALMA Classes 10:20am Shabbat Shabloom- 7:39pm Havdalah
| | 6:30pm Chanting Torah, Level 2
| 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| - 8:15am Morning Group Meditation (Zoom)
- 3:30pm ALMA classes
| 12:00pm Weekly Parsha Class 6:00pm Shiru Shabbat- 6:46pm Candle Lighting
| Parshat Parah Vayakhel 9:30am Shabbat To Support Refugees 10:00am ALMA Classes 10:20am Shabbat Shabloom- 7:47pm Havdalah
10:30am CBI Cafe: The Origins of the American Jewish Left
| | 6:30pm Chanting Torah, Level 2 6:30pm Moroccan Seder Dishes Class
| 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Avodat Lev at Temple Israel in Greenfield 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| - 8:15am Morning Group Meditation (Zoom)
- 3:30pm ALMA classes
| 12:00pm Weekly Parsha Class 6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat- 6:54pm Candle Lighting
| Shabbat Mevarchim Parshat Hachodesh Pekudei 9:30am Shabbat morning services 10:00am ALMA Classes 10:20am Shabbat Shabloom- 7:55pm Havdalah
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 9:00am Rosh Chodesh Service
| | 6:30pm Chanting Torah, Level 2 6:30pm Moroccan Seder Dishes Class
| 5:30pm Maariv 7:00pm Living a Meaningful Jewish Life
| 8:15am Morning Meditation Group- 3:30pm ALMA classes
6:00pm SIGN-MAKING PARTY for the "Hands Off" March
| 12:00pm Weekly Parsha Class 6:00pm Shiru Shabbat- 7:02pm Candle Lighting
| Vayikra 9:30am Asher Wool bar mitzvah 9:30am Shabbat morning services 10:00am ALMA Classes- 8:03pm Havdalah
Sunday, March 23, 2025 • 23 Adar 5785
10:30am |
12:00pm |
We’ll explore how a unique moment in American history became what one historian has called the "largest, most creative upsurge in American Jewish history," and how this cultural and political phenomenon still impacts our world today.
Monday, March 24, 2025 • 24 Adar 5785
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 • 25 Adar 5785
6:30pm |
8:00pm |
This class is intended for those who participated last semester, plus anyone who has chanted Torah in the past and is looking for a refresher course.
6:30pm |
8:30pm |
Participants will learn about my family Moroccan seders, and the foods we enjoy the first night. You'll also get a few recipes.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 • 26 Adar 5785
5:30pm |
Join us for the weekly minyan service to recite Kaddish and foster community.
7:00pm |
8:00pm |
Temple Israel in Greenfield
Avodat Lev, meaning “heart work”, is a songful, contemplative prayer practice that follows the format of the weekday services in a mix of simple chants, meditations, and poetry in Hebrew and English. The practice is meant to guide us in greeting the afternoon/evening, acknowledging our own holiness and our connection to the holiness of Creation, expressing gratitude, and setting an intention for the month/ season ahead. Avodat Lev was developed by the Adamah program at Isabella Freedman. No prior prayer knowledge or practice is required and all are welcome.
7:00pm |
8:30pm |
Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 beginning November 6 and ending April 9 (skipping Dec 25, Jan 1, Feb 19). With Rabbi Jacob Fine and Rabbi Ariella Rosen in the CBI Library. In Person & Virtual Options. Registration Required.
In this 18-week course we will explore together many aspects of Jewish life: daily spiritual practices, the holiday cycle, Shabbat, eating practices, migration, history, and more. This class is geared toward anyone who wants to learn more about Jewish life: individuals exploring conversion, non-Jews part of Jewish families, and Jews of all stripes who want to learn more. If you think this class is for you, it is! Students are encouraged to come with questions, curiosity, and challenges. Ever wonder why Jewish do [insert curious custom here]? Ask us and we’ll cover it!
Registration Required & Coming Soon
Thursday, March 27, 2025 • 27 Adar 5785
8:15am |
Morning Group Meditation (Zoom)
On Zoom:
In the midst of our very busy lives, it is a wonderful gift to set aside this time each week for quiet contemplation.
3:30pm |
ALMA classes
Friday, March 28, 2025 • 28 Adar 5785
12:00pm |
Weekly Parsha Class
Join Rabbi Ariella and Rabbi Jacob for a discussion of the weekly Torah portion from 12:00-1:00 pm.
All are welcome, no prior knowledge or experience required. Each session will stand alone, feel free to come whenever it works for you. And please feel free to bring your own lunch!In person only. Drop in; no registration required.
6:00pm |
Kabbalat Shabbat
6:54pm |
Candle Lighting
Shabbat, March 29, 2025 • 29 Adar 5785
Shabbat Mevarchim
Parshat Hachodesh
Parshat Pekudei
9:30am |
Shabbat morning services
Shabbat Shacharit Service
10:00am |
ALMA Classes
ALMA Classes
10:20am |
11:30am |
Shabbat Shabloom
ALMA's Musical Shabbat Service for Young Families
Saturdays @ 10:20 at Lander-Grinspoon Academy
Come sing, dance, and celebrate Shabbat with songleader Aram Rubenstein Gillis. Shabbat Shabloom is a great way to have fun with your child while connecting with other young families and building community.
7:55pm |
Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785