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2024-2025 Gan Keshet Preschool Application

2024-2025 / 5784-5785


Applicants must be at least 2 years old and up to 5 years old by September 1st of the admission year.

PLEASE NOTE: If your child does not meet the requirement of two years old at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year, we may be unable to consider your application.

PLEASE NOTE: Your application is not complete and cannot be considered for enrollment until the $25.00 application fee is received.

PLEASE NOTE: This form is for families who want to pay the application fee by credit card or automatic fund transfer.
If you prefer to mail a check to CBI, please click here to use this form instead.

Our official application period is November 1st through February 28th. Admissions decisions will be released in early March. Family will receive email notifications in regards to their admission status. If you are filling this form out after the February 28th deadline your child will be placed on a waitlist in accordance with date of form and fee submission.

Applicant Information


Family Information

Please fill out the following contact information thoroughly. This information is used to be in touch with family about status of application, and beyond that, should the child become enrolled, this information is used to set up an online account for the purposes of tuition billing. Therefore, it is vitally important that we have all of the contact information requested below.
Children do not need to be toileting independently to be enrolled, but we ask because this information is helpful for us in being able to plan for the year ahead.

Program selection

Please note: Mondays are structured a bit differently than the rest of the week at Gan Keshet. On Mondays, children combine into one mixed-age class group, affectionately known as the Monday Funday crew, to foster community building and to facilitate planning time for each of our teaching teams (on rotation throughout the day). If you feel that a mixed-age experience or spending parts of the day with different teachers would be challenging for your child to navigate, please keep this in mind when making your schedule request.
Morning Program Enrollment Request: 8:15am - 12:45pm
Pick-up after lunchtime.

Please select the schedule you would like under the class option that matches your child's age as of September 1st, 2024.

Note: the 3 day schedule option (Tues, Wed, Fri) is only available for Kitah Parpar, our toddler class.
Afternoon Program: 12:45pm - 3:00pm*
*(On Fridays only, from mid-November to mid-March, pick-up will be at 2:30pm due to the end of Daylight Savings time and Shabbat observance)
Pick-up after Rest Time and afternoon activities/play.

Please select the number of days you would like to request enrollment for your child in our Afternoon Program.

Afternoon Program is a continuation of our Morning Program and consists of a 45 minute rest/quiet time and afternoon group activities both inside and outside. Children who fall asleep during rest time are able to remain asleep until 2:45pm, when teachers will start to wake them and prepare them for pick-up time or Extended Day.

Note: Children are only eligible to attend Afternoon Program on days where they are enrolled in the Morning Program. If you are not requesting enrollment in the Afternoon Program, please select 0.
Extended Day Programming: 3:00 - 5:15pm, Mondays through Thursdays
No Extended Day programming available on Fridays due to Shabbat observance.

Please select the number of days you would like to request enrollment for your child in our Extended Day Program.

Extended Day is a continuation of Afternoon Program. Children have a snack (provided from home) and enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor gross motor play, art, and farm-focused activities.

Pick-up for Extended Day is any time between 3:05 and 5:15pm.

Please note: Children are only eligible for Extended Day Program on the days that they are also enrolled for Morning and Afternoon Program. If you are not requesting enrollment in Extended Day, please select 0.


Please review the acceptance procedure details in our Admissions Policy on our webpage.

Please check if interested and contact our Preschool Director about receiving information and applying by April 1st.
A $25.00 non-refundable application fee is required when this application is submitted.
You may pay directly via your credit card/bank by checking the box above.
Please note: Your application is not complete until payment is received.
Parent Name
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785