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Registration for Entering the High Holy Days 5785

Entering the High Holy Days: Preparation for the Days of Awe Wednesday nights in September 7:00-8:30pm 
These classes are open to everyone; please register to let us know which ones you plan to attend!

September 4: Tshuvah, Tzedakah, and Reparations 
Offered by the CBI Reparations Working Group
In person at CBI and on Zoom

The CBI Reparations Working Group is offering an opportunity to examine together the difference between tzedakah (often translated as “charitable giving”) and tshuvah (often translated as “repentance”). What makes an action we take one of tshuvah or one of tzedakah? Where does the action of making reparations (of any kind) fall in relation to tshuvah and tzedakah?

September 11: Accessing the Unaccessible
Led By Rabbi Ariella Rosen
In person at CBI and on Zoom

Both the themes and content of the High Holiday liturgy can at times feel hard to grasp. That’s part of the point, sort of. We’ll look at some of the language in the Mahzor (High Holy Days prayer book) and explore ways to find personal connection while we sit in services.  

September 18: Coming Home: Letting Death Teach Us Throughout Elul and the Days of Awe Led By Rabbi Jacob Fine and Becky Tucker 
In person at CBI and on Zoom

The Jewish month of Elul is traditionally a time of introspection, examination of our lives and purpose, and returning to wholeness as we prepare for the Days of Awe. Among many facets of this profound process is confronting our mortality and vulnerability as humans, as we reflect on how we’ve been living and consider what may lie ahead in the coming year. Through text study, group sharing, and contemplative exercises, we will explore how the Days of Awe can help us deepen and transform our relationship to death and dying, which can in turn teach us to how live more meaningful and fulfilling lives. 

September 25: Preparing Spiritually for the High Holidays
Led by Rabbi Yafa Chase

Are you living a life that you love guided by your values and your soul’s wisdom? 
In Judaism, during the month of Elul, we are called upon to prepare for the High Holidays through a process called Cheshbon HaNefesh, an Accounting of the Soul. We are encouraged to do a personal inventory or self-assessment of the different aspects of our life and ascertain what areas we feel good about, where we are missing the mark and what we would like to change.
Rabbi Yafa Chase, a Spiritual Life Coach, will be leading a workshop to help us do our own inner work to personally prepare for the New Year. She will guide participants through self-assessment and intention setting exercises and share Jewish wisdom that can support us in creating a life that is guided by the wisdom of our tradition and our soul.
The workshop is co-sponsored by CBI and the JCA.

   Sept. 4: Tshuvah, Tzedakah, and Reparations
   Sept. 11: Accessing the Unaccessible
   Sept. 18: Coming Home: Letting Death Teach Us Throughout Elul and the Days of Awe
   Sept. 25: Preparing Spiritually for the High Holidays 
These classes are being offered free of charge to current CBI members.
Non-members may register and are encouraged to make a donation to help support future adult education programming. Suggested donation: $18-$36 per class. 
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784