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Renew your CBI Membership Today


For 120 years, Congregation B'nai Israel has been sustained by you, our community members who invest their love, talents, time, and resources. Our membership is an expression of individual commitments and communal responsibility. Together, we co-create our progressive intergenerational Jewish community. Please fill out the forms below to renew your membership for 2024-2025.

Dues Pledge Form:

Welcome! Whether you have been connected to CBI for years or are new, we are delighted to have you renew your membership for 2024-2025.

Please log into your account by clicking “Login” at the top of the page (if it says Welcome with your name, you are already logged in).

If you receive CBI emails, then you have an account; you can “reset password” using that email address. If you have never received CBI emails, please send an email to office@cbinorthampton.org to set up an account.

Logging in will allow you to pay by bank transfer, which will avoid credit card fees. You can also pay by credit card, but we ask you to pay the convenience fees, as well. If you would like to set up monthly payments, please make sure the number of payments equals the number of months remaining in the fiscal year. Our fiscal year ends on June 30. 

If you prefer to pay by check, please make sure you are logged in, then choose "bill to account" in the payment section after submitting this form. Please send the check to CBI 253 Prospect St. Northampton, MA 01060.

Update My Membership Information

Make My Dues Self-Assessment

Thank you for supporting CBI by making a membership contribution. We are grateful to be co-creating this community with you! Your participation, volunteerism, and financial support are essential to the sustenance of our Jewish community and campus. 

We are deeply grateful for your membership contribution at whatever level you are able to offer. 

For CBI's 2024-2025 fiscal year (our fiscal year runs July 2024 through June 2025), the median membership contribution per household unit needed to sustain our organization is $2,460 (or $205 per month). We ask community members who are able to pay $205 per month or more to please do so. This is necessary in order for other members to pay less and to sustain an economically diverse community. We recognize that each community member's circumstances are unique and we ask that you contribute at the highest level that your heart and financial ability will allow.

When determining your fair-share contribution, please consider the following factors: 
  1. Your household income. Reflect on your household income, your current financial resources, and their relationship to your ability to give. The median household income in Northampton is around $80,000.
  2. Your relationship with money. Consider your financial commitments including caregiving responsibilities, disability-related costs, or access to generational wealth.
  3. Your personal values. Reflect on how you want to support the local Jewish community now and for the future.
  4. Sliding scale. Those with greater financial resources are asked to contribute more, while those with less access to wealth should contribute according to their means.

You know your financial situation better than any scale could ever measure* 


This is a short quiz to help you determine your fair share. It's totally anonymous and does not get submitted to or read by anyone but you. There are so many elements of class and access that are not included in these few questions, so please just use this as a general guide to think about your access to resources (or lack thereof) and make an honest and self-loving evaluation.  

NOTEAs you read through, jot down your answer for each question on a piece of paper, so you can examine it at the end.


  1. I can cover my basic needs and plenty of extras, I take multiple vacations, time off, may own/rent a higher-end home/car, I am able to easily access Jewish community for myself and/or afford Jewish education for my child(ren)/grandchild(ren), I am able to donate comfortably to causes that matter to me  
  2. I can cover my basic needs and regular extras, I take an annual vacation without financial burden, my debt does not prohibit attainment of basic needs, I am able to access Jewish community for myself and/or afford Jewish education for my child(ren)/grandchild(ren), I am able to donate modestly to causes that matter to me 
  3. I can cover my basic needs and occasional extras, I have enough savings to cover three months of expenses, I actively save to afford a holiday, I save and budget to access Jewish community for myself and/or Jewish education for my child(ren)/grandchild(ren), I sometimes can donate a small sum to one or two causes that matter to me 
  4. I can cover my basic needs and nothing else, I have limited financial savings, I struggle to afford reliable transportation, I rely on discounts to access Jewish community for myself and scholarships to pay for Jewish education for my children 
  5. I struggle to cover my basic needs, I sometimes skip necessities, use government assistance programs, have debt that prohibits my basic needs, my housing may be insecure or low quality, I use scholarships or am often unable to access Jewish community for myself and/or Jewish education for my children.


When thinking of your annual income, consider employment income, interest, dividends, Social Security, IRA, pension, 401(k), rental income, business profits, etc. 

  1. Household annual income over $150,000, or individual income over $100,000
  2. Household annual income between $100,000 and $250,000, or individual income between $75,000 and $100,000. 
  3. Household annual income between $75,000 and $100,000, or individual income between $50,000 and $75,000. 
  4. Household annual income between $50,000 and $75,000, or individual income between $30,000 and $50,000. 
  5. Household annual income less than $50,000, or individual income less than $30,000. 

3. CAREER (if applicable) 

  1. My career is stable and moving forward 
  2. My career is stable 
  3. My career is unstable or I don't have a career but will in the future 
  4. I have a job, not a career 
  5. I am underemployed or rely on temporary gigs 

4. STUDENT LOANS (if applicable) 

  1. My loans are paid off or I went to school without loans 
  2. I am paying student loans for professional / post-secondary education in my current field 
  3. I am playing student loans and most people in my family have higher education 
  4. I am paying student loans and I'm the first person in my family to go to college 
  5. Was unable to pursue post-secondary education due to finances 


  1. Investments / multiple properties 
  2. A home that is paid off / retirement income 
  3. A home that they're paying for 
  4. No assets or no access to family of origin 
  5. My family of origin requires my financial help 


  1. My race, ethnicity, gender, ability or other identities positively impact or does not impact my income 
  2. Mostly 1
  3. Somewhere in the middle 
  4. Mostly 5
  5. My race, ethnicity, gender, ability or other identities negatively impact my income 


  1. CBI plays a big role in my and my family’s spiritual and/or social nourishment. It’s a cornerstone of my faith, community, and moral support 
  2. I/my family attend weekly services and classes at CBI, and it's an important part of our weekly routine and social life 
  3. I/my family enjoy attending CBI events and social gatherings and it connects me to my Jewish identity and community 
  4. I/my family engage for only for High Holidays or might not step foot on campus very often, but I am glad CBI is there when I need it 
  5. CBI could close tomorrow, and it would not change anything about my/my family’s life 


Mostly 1's

Tier 1

$3,600+sustainer pledge

$300/month +sustainer pledge

Mostly 2's

Tier 2



Mostly 3's

Tier 3



Mostly 4's

Tier 4



Mostly 5's

Tier 5



Note: If you are able, please consider a household pledge of at least $2,460/year or $205/month. This is the median pledge needed to support CBI for 2024-2025.

Make My Dues Pledge

Note: our weekly Kiddush is not funded by the CBI annual budget and costs approximately $500 per week.


Share a Volunteer Pledge

Call for Volunteers:

For 120 years, CBI has run on volunteer. Volunteer support allows us to strengthen our community and make an impact far beyond what staff alone can do. Whether you have been volunteering for decades, or are new to our community, your active engagement helps us build a vibrant and connected congregation. We are beyond grateful for your time and energy!

Life and its demands are ever-shifting. Not everyone has the same capacity to volunteer their time. Your commitment to joining us when you can, in the ways that make sense to you, is invaluable. Together, we can foster a supportive and thriving community for all.

Note: CBI currently has a critical need for volunteers for Kiddush and Security.

Thank you for co-creating our community together!


Share an Annual Wish or Blessing for our Community

This form is not active.


Do you have questions about membership dues?

  • Read the letter from CBI's Co-Presidents.
  • Reach out to Amy Stein, our Engagement and Program Manager, and set up a time to talk.
  • Join our Executive Director for the next Community Conversation about Fair Share Dues (for dates and Zoom links, see the Weekly Email) 


Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785