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Congregation B'nai Israel is committed to being an inclusive, vibrant, and caring Jewish community. We celebrate diversity and welcome all those who seek a spiritual and communal home. By making Congregation B'nai Israel a philanthropic priority in your life, you are helping to sustain your synagogue today while strengthening Jewish life in the Pioneer Valley for generations to come. Abundance Farm and Gan Keshet Preschool are supported by the CBI budget, and greatly appreciative of your contributions. If you aren't sure where to give, a contribution to our Annual Fund will ensure that your gift is allocated to where it's most needed.

Every dollar you contribute makes a difference. Scroll down to learn about giving opportunities at Congregation B'nai Israel. Thank you for your support.

Annual FundFunds are used for the synagogue’s most pressing needs. Enhanced dues are a part of this fund. If you aren't sure where to donate, please consider a gift to our Annual Fund.

Membership DuesMembership dues support 30% of CBI's budget and supports operations. We aim for 100% of our community to consider membership at a level that's right for you. Learn more about membership.

Sustainer Program: An important source of support for our shul is our Sustainer Program. Sustainers are members who commit to make an ongoing annual contribution of $500 or more above standard dues, providing a reliable source of funding for CBI’s operations and program. A strong Sustainer Program creates a more stable financial foundation for our growing congregation, allows us to attract and keep talented staff who are committed to our community for the long term, gives us the resources to assist and welcome full membership to those with financial needs, and allows us to focus our other fundraising efforts on programs and projects that invest in our community and the future of the synagogue. To learn more about the benefits of the Sustainer Program or become a Sustainer, contact our Development Manager, Lindsay Rowe.

Endowment FundMinimum contribution is $10. A $600 contribution or more is necessary for an acknowledgment plaque to be affixed in the main lobby. The principal stays intact; interest earned is used to defray general operations of the synagogue.

Abundance Farm Fund: Supports the ongoing maintenance of our innovative food justice farm and outdoor classroom on Abundance Farm. We produce healthy, fresh produce for donation to the Northampton Survival Center while serving as an outdoor classroom and community-building space for the broader community.

Sue Kurian Kitchen and Kiddush FundDonations will be used to enhance our Shabbat services with festive Kiddushes.
Rabbi Ariella Rosen's Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Jacob Fine's Discretionary Fund
Aesthetics Fund: 
Funds are used to beautify the synagogue campus.
Cemetery Fund: Funds are used for cemetery maintenance and related activities.

Preschool Education Funds

Preschool Education Fund: Money from this fund goes to the preschool for equipment and teaching materials.
Leonard & Bernice Alberts Preschool Scholarship Fund: Fund assists qualified families with preschool tuition.

Youth and Teen Education and Activities Funds

Education Fund: Supports educational activities and programs for children and teens at CBI. 
Daniel & Shirley Levin Education Fund: Money will assist qualified families with Religious School tuition.
Sam & Mildred Wolfe B'nei Mitzvah Fund: All students studying for B'nei Mitzvah require a private tutor. This fund offsets tutoring costs for families. We encourage all families, friends, and relatives to contribute. The minimum contribution is $10.00. 
Divine Fund: An endowment used to attract and retain outstanding religious school educators for our Religious School.
Benjamin Goldsmith Fund: Supports children with learning disabilities in the Religious School.

Adult Education and Activities Funds

Adult Education Fund: Supports educational activities and programs for adults at CBI. 
Israel Fund: Supports CBI events and learning related to Israel.
Valley Jewish Seniors: Fund to help support seniors’ activities through CBI.

Social Action Funds

Bikkur Cholim and Chesed Fund: Funds are used for gifts from the whole congregation for members of the congregation who are ill.
Sandra Goldsmith Endowment Fund: Donations are used to endow activities for Tikkun Olam.
Tikkun Olam Grants Fund: Benefits programs that help people in need in the Northampton-Amherst area, and, if catastrophes strike, in other parts of the world.
Tikkun Olam Activities Fund: Sponsors speakers and special programs to help members study important issues and be mindful of Jewish ethics. These funds also promote social justice and advocates for a peaceful, sustainable world.
Tzedakah Chesed Fund: Supports acts of tzedakah (charity and generosity) for the benefit of CBI members.

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785